Maince data and AI solutions help
infrastructure owners and managers
get control over and create value from data


AI-powered, data-driven asset management

1) Put your data to work


Many organizations and authorities responsible for the construction and maintenance of infrastructure struggle to manage the sheer volume of data on infrastructure assets and unlock true value.

Maince solutions help clients to take control over data, maintain quality and usefulness and transform all raw data to business-critical insights.


2) Deploy AI solutions for operational excellence


AI has the ability to analyze and learn from large amounts of data and problem solve at an unprecedented pace. Its adoption will prove critical to help organizations meet their major challenges - modernization of ageing infrastructure, financial and operational performance, and increasingly strict regulations.

Maince delivers the power of AI to the core of client operations. We develop AI products and solutions that are used 24/7 by asset managers, maintenance engineers, inspectors, and other infrastructure management professionals to automate work processes, anticipate on events, and maximize their understanding of asset condition and performance.

Our products deliver:

  • Continuous insight into asset performance

  • Optimized maintenance plans

  • Automation of manual tasks

  • Improved financial performance and competitiveness

  • Successful tender processes

  • Safety, transparency and compliance