Optimize inspections of infrastructure assets with AI

Maince’s AssetViewer solution augments and digitalizes your daily infrastructure inspections using recordings from consumer-grade cameras and drones. This is possible through the powerful combination of machine learning models to automatically identify assets and detect defects, and workflow software to easily view, correct, complement and share the results.

AssetViewer helps your organization gain continuous insight in the state of your infrastructure, optimize reporting and maintenance planning.

How does AssetViewer work?

The process

AssetViewer serves as the ultimate co-pilot for inspectors as they determine the state of their infrastructure. They can safely stay in their car or on the ground while their camera records the infrastructure and its assets, and can be confident that the solution will cover every detail of the infrastructure. Videos can also be recorded by colleagues and commuters, with inspectors receiving the feeds in one central dashboard.

As videos are ingested, inspectors select the relevant machine learning models to detect assets and anomalies. All detections are plotted on a map and viewed as downloadable lists. With a single mouse click, individual detections can then instantly be visualized by the specific video frame and downloaded.

The results can easily be improved as inspectors update or add to each inspection round by manually labeling items of interest in the solution’s annotation tool. This completes the output of each inspection, and also feeds new data back to the operational machine learning models for continued learning to improve their accuracy and efficiency.

As the video archive builds up, so does your understanding of your infrastructure, the quality of your inspections, and the ability to demonstrate compliance and improve stakeholder relationships.

The technology

AssetViewer offers video preprocessing and pipeline management, annotation tools, auto-annotation functionality for one or multiple machine learning models, and comprehensive reporting functionality.

The solution is robust, secure and open by design, enabling integration with third-party systems such as asset management, maintenance and GIS systems.

Teams can now efficiently track and report on asset condition and performance, plan maintenance and optimize workflow.

Real-world benefits of AssetViewer


Address safety and compliance

Improve inspector and user safety

Easy and transparent reporting

Clear audit trails to demonstrate compliance

Improve stakeholder management

Efficiency and competitive advantage

Gain continuous and objective insight in infrastructure

Increase coverage area per inspector

Save time, resources & cost

Make inspections part of everyday operations

Automate location-based planning
